How to treat nasal polyps

            The ability to breathe with ease is indeed a blessing that many take for granted. The respiratory system helps the body to gain oxygen and eliminate waste gases such as carbon dioxide. This system not only ensures a person can breathe normally but also for all cells in the body to get oxygen for its cell metabolism and its viability. The respiratory system is often associated with lungs and its airways. When air enters the body through the nostril, it is filtered to avoid foreign substances that could harm the body. However, when the inside of the nose swells such as with nasal polyp, it causes great discomfort and may cause breathing difficulty. Thus, medicine such as Nasonex 50 mg can help patients to breathe better.

            Nasal polyp is defined as benign inflammatory and hyperplastic outgrowth of sinonasal mucosa. This means that the nasal polyp is a painless soft growth inside the nose that resembles a flesh. Polyp may grow in one side of the nostril, at times even both sides. Nasal polyp can be in a form of single flesh or in clusters. This flesh can be seen as pink or yellowish-brown colour. Those prone to develop nasal polyp include those with a history of asthma, allergies or frequent sinus infection. In general, nasal polyp does not cause a person to have symptoms unless the polyp is too large or has caused breathing or sleep problems. Common symptoms include runny nose, feeling sticky liquid (mucus) running down at the back of the throat (postnasal drip), decreased sense of smell or taste and even nosebleeds.

            Nasal polyp can cause great disturbance to people. People may not immediately find doctors when they have nasal polyp unless it gets severe or occurs so often. Treating nasal polyp can help a person breathe better. There are a number of treatments to help reduce symptoms of nasal polyp. The easiest and best one is nose drop or nose spray containing steroids. Steroids may sound scary but for people with nasal polyp, it can help reduce the inflammation that has caused formation of nasal polyp. Such treatment is the most common prescription or in other words, the first medication prescribed by a doctor to treat polyp, especially small polyps. For large polyps or severe inflammation, steroid tablets may be considered instead of the spray or drops. Steroid tablets are usually given for up to 2 weeks and may be accompanied with the usage of nose drops or sprays. Although steroid tablets may seem like a great and easy solution for nasal polyp, there are some downsides of using such medicine such as weight gain. The last resolution for treating nasal polyp is by undergoing surgery. The common surgery procedure is known as polypectomy. Polypectomy is usually considered in patients that show no sign of improvement after 10 weeks of treatment using steroids. During the procedure, the polyp is removed with a small surgical tool or also known as micro surgical instruments and in some cases, small pieces of bones in the nose may need to be removed. Removal of the small bones help to expand the nasal airway and enable the patient to breathe better.

            Treating nasal polyp is no easy matter and even when a person receives treatment, the probability of the nasal polyp to re-grow is high although surgery has been done. It is common to use nasal spray or drop even after surgery to help prevent nasal polyp from re-develop. It may seem that treatment for nasal polyp is solely medical but there are actually other ways that may be considered on top of medical treatment. This includes natural remedies such as tree oil, taking steam bath, using a humidifier, to learn more about what triggers an allergic reaction and to avoid it. It is important for patients to discuss the non-medical way of treating nasal polyp before even doing one. This will help patients to prevent potential danger or worsening the already existing nasal polyp.

            One of the common medications used for nasal polyp is Nasonex. Nasonex contains mometasone as its corticosteroid. Corticosteroid prevents the release of a substance known as histamine from being released and triggering an inflammatory response in the body. Nasonex is usually used for once or twice a day depending on severity of symptoms. Patients should avoid spraying onto the middle wall of the nose or onto the middle wall of the nose and to avoid spraying into the eye or mouth. Nasonex is best used on a daily basis and at the same time of the day. Nasonex should help improve symptoms within the first 2 days of administering the medicine but it may take up to 2 weeks. Nasonex should not be used for more than a month unless directed by a doctor. Common side effects of Nasonex include nose or throat dryness, nosebleed and blood-stained phlegm. Should the side effects get worse, patients should consult with their doctor immediately.

            It can be concluded that it may not be easy to treat nasal polyp. The key for a person to be free from symptoms of nasal polyp is to follow their doctor’s advice and to get early treatment.

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